And once again the day is saved, thanks to the Apple Watch

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Apple Watch has once again been to the rescue, thanks to its Heart rate detection feature. A victim of a rare disease Zachery Zeus was notified by Apple Watch about his high resting heart rate.

Zachery, a 25-year old graduate from Ohio University has spent half his life fighting the Friedreich’s ataxia. Zeus got alert from Apple Watch about his abnormal heart rate. A rare genetic disease; Friedreich’s ataxia causes a lack of sensation in legs and arms.

Zies told the reporters that Apple Watch alerted him of his abnormal heart rate and suggested medical health support.

Upon medical inspection Apple Watch was right, Zies needed an atrial ablation to correct the atrial flutter. Proper medical support was followed on-time, and Zies’ heart rate was brought back to normal.

This is just one of the numerous cases where Apple Watch has saved lives. And with each update, Apple Watch continues to prove itself a great companion for a healthy life.

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