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How to Customise Widgets and App icons on iPhone Home Screen

How to customise iPhone Home screen 740x414 1

Customising your home screen works differently on iPhone. If you have personalised your screen on other phones, you’ll know soon. But, it’s just Apple’s way of doing things. Though, you will start liking it after the first few tries.

So, here’s how to personalise widgets on your iPhone. 

Personalise Widgets on iPhone home screen

iPhone does not allow widget customization by default, so you will need a third-party app called Widgetsmith. The free version comes with limited customization options. If it doesn’t satisfy you, you can try the paid version free for 7 days and then, if you like, you can pay $1.99 per month, or $19.99 manually. First, download Widgetsmith on your iPhone then follow;

1.  Open Widgetsmith.

2.  You are given three widget sizes to choose from. Tap the one you want.

Select your widget size for iPhone home screen

3.  Now tap on Default Widget.

Tap on Default Widget Title

4.  Select the widget you want.

Select your widget you want on your iPhone home screen

5.  Now select the theme you like from tabs below. Explore variations until you find the best.

Select theme of your widget iPhone home screen
Customise widget on your iPhone home screen

6.  Now go back tapping the back button. 

Tap back in widgetsmith

7.  You’ll see how your widget will look. Tap on Save.

Tap Save to save your personalized widget

8.  Now head back to your home screen. Press and hold the empty area of your screen and tap the ‘+’ plus sign on the top right.

Tap plus sign on top right

10.  Tap the Widgetsmith widget. 

Search and type Widgetsmith

11.  Select your personalized widget’s size. Tap Add Widget

Select your widget size

12. Now to show your widget, long press on your added Widgetsmith widget, select Edit Widget, then tap Widget and choose your widget.

Customise App Icons 

Modifying the app icons is more of a workaround, here’s the method:

1.  Open Shortcuts app.

2. Tap the ‘+’ sign on the top right.

The plus icon on top right

3. Tap the bottom search bar, and type Open App and select it from the list.

Type Open app, and select Open App

4. Now under scripting, tap on Choose.

5. Select the app you want to change the icon of. 

6.  Tap the three dots icon on the top right.

Tap three dot in top right

7. Select Add to Home Screen.

Select Add to Homescreen

8. Under HOME SCREEN NAME AND ICON type the name to show under your app, or leave blank if you want no label beneath it.

10.To add the icon image, tap the icon(see below). Tap the location of your photo, then select your image. In my case, it’s in photos so I’ll Choose from photos

Select your photo or image file for image icon

8.  Tap on Add then Done, then Done again. Voila!

Tap Add to add app to homescreen

Visit your home screen and greet your new app icon. In my case, the
Camera icon. 

Now as you open this app, you’ll notice your new app doesn’t take you to the app directly. Instead, it takes your tap, to shortcuts app, then to your app. Don’t panic, this bug or interface is fixed in the iOS 14.3 update. So if you are seeing this, simply update your iOS.

So here you go, now repeat the steps for each icon you wish to change(yes, each) get the matching wallpaper, modify the widgets and let your home screen express you. There’s no end to your creativity. In my next post, I’ll share some inspiring designs that will blow your mind.

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