Apple Sued in China for not Including a Charger Inside the Box

Apple has been sued in China for not including a charger in the box. The lawsuit was raised by university students.

Though an unusual situation, China isn’t the first one concerned by Apple’s decision as a similar case was raised in Brazil, And in France where the Cupertino company was forced to provide EarPods with iPhones – and got it.

Back story

Since the release of the iPhone 12’s lineup, Apple has stopped including its traditional brick charger, and EarPods, inside the box, in its aim to be 100% eco friendly.

At the iPhone 12 event, Apple said that it’ll no longer include a charger nor the Apple EarPods with the iPhone purchase. Claiming that doing this will save 2 million metric tons of carbon annually.

While many agreed with Apple’s decision as being environmentally friendly, some regarded it as a way of promoting their new MagSafe charger which, according to the accusers, wasted more energy than the traditional bricked chargers.

Further, the plaintiffs stated that the USB-C cable provided with the new iPhones was unusable as the majority of Apple users had a USB-A charging adapters which came with older iPhones.

The Chinese students also said Apple should have let the consumers decide whether they want their phone with or without the charger. Similar to other mobile manufacturers such as Xiaomi.

It’s interesting to know that despite the accusations and mockery over Apple excluding charger brick out of the box, many companies are now following the same path. Sounds similar to what Samsung does through

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