First, let’s discuss altcointradeinvest.com bold claim, although if I’m being honest it should be called a boldfaced lie.
What is altcointradeinvest.com scam?
The platform claims to be capable of generating revenue for investors by carrying out trades on multiple Crypto exchanges. There’s no risk involved at all. Just invest and watch the platform magically turn in huge profits for you daily. Lol… If investments were so easy and without risks, my Lamborghini Aventador will be parked in the garage of my $10 million estate right now. The nerve of them. These are all tired claims. My 5-year-old niece can come up with better lies.
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Now check this out
Altcointradeinvest.com also claims it has bank-level security. Who cares? If you are ever to invest in lazy, unintelligent scams like this, trust me your worry wouldn’t be whether your money is secure against external scammers when the owners of the platforms are the ones perpetrating these scams. It makes no sense…lol. Who are you fooling altcointradeinvest.com?
The different plans of altcointradeinvest.com
Okay, this is just boring and ridiculous. I already warned you so I’m sure you ain’t surprised. The platform has different plans that offer you a 4%, 5.5%, and a 10% profit on your investment daily for 5 days. The cheapest entry fee is $50 USD.
Referral program
A juicy referral program could make several to start promoting these scam platform in the next couple of months. Altcointradeinvest offers a 3 level referral program where you can earn 10% for direct referrals, 7%, and 3% for secondary referrals.
At ideasdome.com we will never support a scam platform just to earn referrals. Never.
Other details about altcointradeinvest.com
- The site appears hastily put together. These scammers are too desperate and lazy to even ensure their website works well. Sections like the ‘news’ section don’t work.
- The platform claims to be registered in the U.K but there’s no proof of this on the website. At least other scams out there would have taken the time to obtain the functionally useless U.K certificate of incorporation but not altcointrade investment. These are just low-level scammers.
- As usual, the platform does not name its founder. It mentions a team of experts and professionals that according to the platform will earn you “crazy higher returns”. Predictably not even one of the team members was named. And if you’re familiar with my reviews, this is a popular scam strategy.
- The domain is registered for just one year. This is yet another boring red flag. The domain name altcointradeinvest.com was registered on 2020- 06-17 and will expire on 2021-06-17
Website Statistics
During my research, I found out that the website has less than 100 daily page visitors. I’m shocked that so many people are even remotely interested in this platform.
No need to beat around the bush. Altcointradeinvest.com is a scam – a lazily structured one. Run far away from it.
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