Coingrowth.Org Review: A Scam Platform Of Fake Numbers

coingrowth review

I have all kinds of problems with any investment platform like that says you can make cryptocurrency ‘profits with little or no risk’. The platform either clearly knows nothing about cryptocurrency or is just being deliberately deceptive. Either way, you should not invest with platforms that throw caution to the wind and chooses to use disturbing languages such as these. It’s one of the major red flags of a scam platform.

The website is littered with all manner of verifiably false claims. This platform is engaging in an unapologetic scam. You have to be incredibly gullible, naive, or greedy to fall for this.

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What is scam?

Coingrowth claims to be an investment platform where you can instantly cash out huge returns on your investments. The plans are so clearly outrageous; I don’t even think this is a Ponzi (paying old members with new members’ funds). It’s just a straightforward scam. Sherlock Holmes level analysis will not be needed here.

Anyone advertising this platform obviously knows it’s a scam but just wants to benefit from the huge referral commissions of 6%. It’s the height of wickedness to deliberately lure gullible people into a scam.

Proof of scam is a platform of many red flags. Here are a few:

– Outrageous plans: Coingrowth floats 4 outrageous plans: Beginners project ($10), Top invest project ($100), Professional project ($500), and Legend project ($1000). Users get to earn 20%, 45%, 75% and 100% respectively. Let me remind you that there is no legit investment program in the world that can offer you this outrageous ROI in such a short period of time. For example, coin growth says you can cash out 20% profits in just one day. Come on, what other proof does anyone need that this is a scam?

– Domain registration: The domain name of most scam platforms is registered for a single year. domain is no exception. It was registered 2020-05-22 and will expire 2021-05-22. I’ll wager that this platform will not even get close to the 1 year mark.

– Fake numbers: Now this is serious. has lots of numbers generated from the butt of its founders. It’s surprising that the platform didn’t even bother to make it look plausible but decides to go full throttle with the numbers. See for yourself.

coingrowth scam numbers

Now here’s proof the numbers are fake. Check again. Coingrowth claims Users have invested a total of over 4.3 million. Now check the ‘Our Top Investors’ section of the website (screenshot below). Username ‘Stanley’ alone has deposited over 7.1 million. Can you see the insanity? Isn’t Stanley’s deposit part of the total? So why is it bigger than the total (4.3 million)? I got so many questions…lol. If this is fake, clearly the latest deposits and latest withdrawals section of the website are fake too. The testimonials are also questionable.

fake deposits coingrowth

– No founder: The founder is not known. We know what this means. No one to answer for stolen funds.

– No license: This is how you know a low-level scam. Most scams would at least have gotten that dirt cheap, almost useless U.K certificate of incorporation. But coingrowth platform is not most scams. When it comes to the scam niche, ranks in the lowest of the lows.


One would think scam platforms like this will have dwindling traffic. But a traffic analysis of the scam website reveals monthly traffic of over 2100. I know it’s still low but considering the numbers are going up, I’m quite worried that some will eventually fall for this scam. Thankfully, since you read this review, it’s never gonna be you.

What are your thoughts about the platform? Let me know in the comment section below.

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