This is bad timing for any ponzi scam. The recent disappearance of BTCflash wrecked several financially with hundreds of thousands of dollars gone. And finally, it appears many have taken the red pill and are now fully awake. They will not be deceived any longer. Cryptocapital.io picked the wrong time to launch their scam. Or maybe not because I did a traffic analysis of the cryptocapital.io website and found it’s starting to gain popularity. It has over 6800+ daily visits.
It is also amassing lots of Trustpilot reviews. I already explained in my BTCflash review here why Trustpilot reviews are harmful. Millions have been lost to scams due to fake/paid positive Trustpilot reviews and the management of the Trustpilot website doesn’t give a damn.
(Ad: See my recommended platforms at the bottom of this article)
I’m completely outraged I want to start a #trustpilotiscancelled party on Twitter. Who’s with me? Use the hashtags #trustpilotisoverparty #faketrustpilotreviews #trustpilotcancelled. Don’t forget to tag me (@IdeasdomeOfcl) so I can see we are in this fight together. Here’s a sample post you could edit and post:
By allowing paid reviews, Trustpilot.com is directly responsible for millions lost to crypto scams and Ponzi. Do better. RT #trustpilotisoverparty #faketrustpilotreviews #trustpilotcancelled @@IdeasdomeOfcl

Let’s do this. Anyway, moving on
Is cryptocapital.io the same as BTCflash?
Many would like to find the answer to this question. Due to the timing of the disappearance of BTCflash and the appearance of cryptocapital.io, some have theorized that cryptocapital is the same as btcflash. Based on my research, there is no direct link between BTCflash and cryptocapital. But honestly, does it matter? Cryptocapital.io is a ponzi scam too. That’s the only similarity that counts.
What cryptocapital claim to be
This Ponzi must be running out of ideas. Cryptocapital uses the same tired playbook of all Ponzi. It says it has a team of expert traders that will help manage your cryptocurrency investment to achieve huge profits. In typical scam-style, cryptocapital does not mention a single name from its team of ‘experts’. It only mentions Edwards Adrian as its CEO. That name doesn’t exist anywhere apart from on the Cryptocapital company website and U.K registration. No track record of success anywhere. No digital footprint. Most likely a fake name. It’s also not uncommon to see scam platforms hiring actors as CEO.
How the scam operates

I registered on the cryptocapital website so you don’t have to. After sign up, you’ll be asked to pick a cryptocurrency to deposit on the platform. An individual could select any of the popular cryptocurrencies: BTC, LTC, Doge, TRX, ETH, etc. After selecting an investment amount, the dashboard shows projected earnings hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly. Then an individual (the potential scam victim) can proceed to the deposit section. Cryptocapital.io promises users 0.1% hourly. That’s every hour of the day. Damn!!! Can you believe these guys?
My advice: Do not be a potential scam victim. Run
To convince gullible people, the website also shows its U.K Licence/registration…you know, the generic U.K certificate of incorporation that scam companies like to obtain that means nothing. To know more about why the U.K certificate of incorporation is useless and proves nothing, please see my article here. Under the subheading U.K Certificate of Incorporation, I discuss how these certificates are obtained dubiously.

More about the cryptocapital.io website
According to the U.K registration the scam company was registered around March 7, 2021. What is however strange is I researched the cryptocapital.io domain name and found it was originally bought on 2018-07-26. That would mean the company had existed since 2018 but you’ll be wrong to think that. What some of the smart scam platforms do is buy old domain names and reuse them to launch their scam companies. Old domain names are great because in many cases, the website has high domain authority meaning it will rank higher in search engines due to its age.
Using the relatively old domain cryptocapital.io has allowed this scam company (CryptoCapital Services Ltd) to generate a lot of buzz early on.
Further tricks
Everyone knows most scam companies register the domain of their website for just one year. In an attempt to confuse you or convince you of its authenticity, some scam companies are now registering their domain name for more than a year. The cryptocapital.io domain name was renewed in 2021-01-05 for 2 years and will expire 2023-07-26, 2 years later. This changes nothing. The domain name of a scam website registered for 100 years doesn’t change the fact it’s still a scam.
Summary of red flags
- Outrageous profits: No crypto investment can guarantee you 0.1% hourly. Only Ponzi and scams do that
- No team listed on the website: It mentions a team of experts and traders but all we have is a single fake name – Edwards Adrian
- Fake name in the U.K registration document: The name Edwards Adrian appears on the U.K registration as the only director of the company. It’s a fake name and is never mentioned on the cryptocapital.io website
- Like all Ponzi, it relies only on referrals. IT pays old users with new users money. When people stop joining, it crashes. That’s why it’s paying 3 level referral commissions (7%, 3%, and 1%) to people who are willing to promote a scam for money.
- Fake trustpilot reviews
Conclusion: Flee from cryptocapital.
But…Legit investment platforms still exist. See below
(See my list of recommended investment platforms here)
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