Exposing The Myhourlyforex.com Platform: A Review

When I added myhourlyforex.com to my popular list of scam websites here, many wondered how I could be so sure it would turn out a scam as it was paying at the time. But what they didn’t know is when you’ve dedicated your time to studying/reviewing scam platforms spending lots of hours, you pick up great Spidey senses along the way, and you can smell a scam platform from miles away.

There’s really nothing new or even vaguely interesting about myhourlyforex.com. It’s the same tricks from the same outdated playbook. Someone tell myhourlyforex that scammers don’t use this method anymore. They should relearn their scamming craft from new scam websites like vandera.io.

Here’s a summary of the myhourlyforex.com scam and how the founders brainstormed this scam.

1. Register a catchy domain name (myhourlyforex.com) and register it for more than one year because to deceive people. Since most scams register for a single year, some might see a scam like myhourlyforex.com, whose domain name is registered for 3 years as legit. But a scam is a scam whether the domain name is registered for 1 year, 3 years or even 10 years.

2. Next comes the design of the website: Go for a basic generic design. Include fake video testimonials, and don’t forget the phony deposit and withdrawal sections. Scam platforms use all these tricks.

3. Purchase a U.K certificate of incorporation: Yes, purchase this meaningless certificate for about 10-20 pounds. You will deceive so many people, certificate lovers who’d think just because you brandish a generic U.K certificate; it means you’re legit. For this ruse to be effective, Myhourlyforex.com assumes many people will not even bother to check with the right organizations like Finra, SEC, and others to confirm their actual legitimacy; instead, they’ll be satisfied with just about any certificate. No one reads anyway.

4. Promise jaw-dropping profits: Most people are greedy, so appeal to their human nature. Promise them unachievable, unrealistic ROI. No wonder myhourlyforex.com’s 8 plans are as silly as it gets. All of them are hourly. Come on, bring me that person that makes guaranteed hourly profit in forex every day, and I’ll show you the face of an unapologetic liar. Make the minimum invested amount as cheap as possible ($25) to attract more gullible people. Effective plan. Ha, no wonder myhourlyforex.com platform has high traffic on its website.

5: Referral commissions: Here’s where the platform switches things up a bit. Other scams will offer fixed referral commissions, not myhourlyforex. This scam platform gives you referral commissions based on how much you’ve invested. If you invest $25, your referral commission is a miserly 1% but invest $1000, and you can see your referral commissions climb to 3%. I’m sure other scam platforms are learning.

6. Generic content: It’s the same content as other scam websites. Go to a recent scam platform, copy the content, and paste it on your website. Easy. Why bother with original content with real information? Gullible, greedy people don’t read anyway.

So I’m saddened that so many people already fell for this scam. It’s just a textbook Ponzi scheme. I wish people will research more before joining schemes like this. As expected, many who joined myhourlyforex.com are regretting their mistake now.

It’s the usual scam that goes something like this:

You deposit an amount in one of their hourly plans. When it’s time to withdraw, you’re informed your account has been blocked. And you’ll need to pay an amount to unfreeze it.


If this happens to you, what should you do at this stage?

Never make the mistake of investing more money. You cannot outscam a scammer. Just count your losses and leave. Don’t even look back.


If you’re gullible enough to pay the extra amount needed to unblock your account, it’ll be the end. Your capital – gone, interest – gone and the additional invested amount? You guessed it, gone too.

Enough said. My job here is done. Do not invest in myhourlyforex.com. But great passive income platforms still exist. Check out my recommended platforms below.

(See my list of recommended investment platforms here)

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