The first thing most people will like to know is:
Is Forrise.uk the same as Forrise.com, the Ponzi scam platform that crashed a few months ago? The answer is yes, it’s by the same founder. I don’t think Adam Shultz, the director (or founder?) of this scam is doing much to hide. He just tweaked Forrise.com a bit, and a new scam was born.
What is Forrise.uk?
It’s a Ponzi platform that claims on its homepage that it makes its profit from investing and trading. It couldn’t stop rambling about its founder (or Director) Adam Shultz telling us he’s started trading since 2009. If you are familiar with Forrise.com before its crash, you’ll see that Adam Shultz is nothing more than a Russian paid actor. And watching the video again in the about us section of Forrise.uk, the memories came rushing in. Another hired actor as the face of a scam company, is that a thing now? Recently we saw that in the case of softradeai. I was the first to call that out here. Also, you wonder why a company that wants to be taken seriously will reveal the name of just 1 director. Where are the others?
(See my list of recommended platforms here)
My First impression of the Forrise website
The content is basically the same as Forrise.com before it crashed in August 2020. It’s the same false statements with Forrise.uk. The company is proud of its Cohesion, Professionalism, and determination…yada yada yada. It also lists its ‘component of success,’ including Trader performance, investment reliability, process innovation, etc. Then it caps it off by listing Huobi Global, London Stock Exchange, Kraken and other well-known companies as its partners. Can you believe the nerve of these guys? It’s clear they think people will actually fall for this all over again, considering Forrise.com just recently crashed. Prominent on the homepage is a picture of what appears to be a share certificate, but everything about it looks weird. It says Shultz bought $1 million shares from an Anonymous company, and even the signature on the document is incomplete. Everything about it screams scam.

How does Forrise.uk make money?
On the homepage, they gave the impression that this is a trading and investment company. But then I registered and opened an account, and all the investment plans had to do with mining. So I’m confused. Does the Forrise platform engage in trading or mining? I guess they are confused too…lol.
Forrise.uk investment plans
It has 6 investment plans as follows.
Luxury plan
Cost: $200 – $19,999
Details: 21% ROI in 7 days
Excellent plan
Cost: $20000 – $49999
Details: 35% ROI in 7 days
Solid plan
Cost: $50000 – $100000
Details: 49% ROI in 7 days
Premium plan
Cost: $500 – $19,999
Details: 31.5% ROI in 7 days
Central plan
Cost: $20000 – $49,999
Details: 42% ROI in 7 days
A-List plan
Cost: $50000 – Unlimited
Details: 53.5% ROI in 7 days
Of course, y’all know this is just bogus. Please don’t fall for it—just another Ponzi scam.
Many people already know this is a scam, as evidenced by the low traffic on the website.
Domain name information
The Forrise.uk domain name was registered on 2020-06-10 and will expire – you guessed it – on 2021-06-10. Just 1 year. So predictable. And when this crashes too, Adam Shultz will register another domain, probably call this Forrise.org. I should not put any ideas in this scammer’s head…lol, not that he needs any help anyway.
Is Forrise.uk paying?
Who cares? Most scams pay for a while, which is why you shouldn’t base the decision of whether to invest or not on if the platform is currently paying. All of the above reasons show this is just another Ponzi, and you should stay away.
Are you looking for legit platforms?
See my recommended platforms here.