Trustedavenue.Com Review: A Blatant Scam By Low IQ Scammers

trustedavenue review

The founders of have no business being scammers at all because their entire platform makes it so embarrassingly obvious that this is a scam. They might as well rename the platform Scamavenue. The website template looks cool though, I’ll give them that…lol.

What Trustedavenue platform claims to be

The platform claims to be a platform of cryptocurrency traders, binary traders, and portfolio managers using a sophisticated algorithm to trade the top 10 Cryptos. It further claims you do not need any knowledge of the Crypto world to earn passively from the platform.

In our usual practice here at, I joined the platform to help uncover the truth. Read on as I present all the facts.

More about Trusted Avenue

The first mistake: It lists the following individuals as holding top positions (check the about us section of

CEO: David Blake

Lead Trader: Eddie Raymond

Product Manager: Sarah Jonson

trustedavenue fake team

All fake

Trustedavenue platform should have just copied the blueprint of other similar scams who choose to go the anonymous route. It’s far too easy to detect fake identities.

For starters, all the names above are accompanied by pictures of white individuals. This is strange because the domain record shows it was registered in Nigeria (a predominantly black country) with the address 64 New Airport Road Calabar Nigeria. Registered by Saviour Ubi.

saviour trustedavenue

The testimonials section is fake too and only white persons are featured. No single person from Nigeria.

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And from here it just gets crazier.

To join the platform, all they claim you need to do is register, deposit, select your bundle, and earn. You won’t believe how much you could earn. This joke platform for its basic plan claims you can earn $700 after just 4 hours of depositing $200 to the platform. I’m not even going to bother highlighting the other crazy plans. Just check out the screenshot below.

Trustedavenue fake plan

If they’ve taken it this far, no reason why they can’t go further which is exactly what they did. I further explored the about us section and couldn’t stop laughing at the sheer absurdity. claims to have won 28 awards. Really? Omg. Wow. This platform that was just registered on 2020-05-08 claims to have all these? Now, I feel rather insulted that they think anyone is really that ignorant to believe all these baloney.

fake stats trustedavenue

Other false claims and proof of Scam

1. The platform is filled with a series of disturbing languages. For example, it claims to give users a risk-free trading experience. The fact is all trading involves a level of risk.

2. Trusted Avenue platform claims to be regulated by FDIC and SEC. Oh, the nerve of them! At this point, they might as well just claim that the gods of different lands have all endorsed this scam platform.

3. Many buttons on the website don’t work. For example, when you log in and scroll to the bottom, click in the ‘Our Services’ section. Unsurprisingly, the links don’t work- the platform does not have any real services.

4. The domain name is registered for just 1 year like many other scams out there.

5. The platform uses a fake contact address


Trusted Avenue platform is a blatant scam by low IQ scammers. I really doubt anyone is falling for this anytime soon.

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