This guide is all you will need.
I’ll teach you like a 5-year-old; everything has been oversimplified to make it easy for anyone, even if you know nothing about crypto or trading.
This is for all those who want to learn how to use the signals I post in the group here.
I’ll leave out many extraneous details just to make this guide straight to the point. But, of course, you can always watch more videos on trading on YouTube.
For this guide, we are only sticking to details that’ll help use signals such as below to make profits. All the best.
Signal case study
Pair: #AR/USDT
Risk level: high risk
Direction: Long/short
Location: Binance Spot only call
Enter Now around $9.71
Stop Loss: $9 (~-7%)
Profit Targets:
$10.7 $12.6 – $ 16
So you have a signal, as shown above; how do you use this to trade
Of course, you can start by opening a Binance account. Use this link to open one now if you’ve not already done so. To ensure you have all restrictions removed from your account, you should verify it using your passport or any other valid document.
Next, you need to fund your account. Again, I suggest buying Ethereum or BTC.
You could buy from Coinbase with your credit card or from an individual (like me or anyone else).
How to send funds from Coinbase or from anyone to your Binance account.
Wherever the source of funds is, you’ll need to get your Binance wallet address to the person/platform for deposit.
On Binance, click on deposit, and select BTC. And you’d be shown your BTC address. Copy this address.
For coinbase – Click withdraw and paste the Binance address here.
From Individuals – Send your Binance deposit address to anyone that wants to send you the funds.
You should receive the funds in your Binance in a few minutes. Click on ‘wallet’ and select Fiat and Spot to check if you’ve received the funds (assets).
So yes, when you deposit, it goes into your spot wallet.
Once you get the asset, the first thing you need to do is to convert the BTC to USDT.
Reason: BTC is volatile, and the value may go down, but USDT is pegged to U.S dollars, and the value remains constant.
How to convert BTC to USDT
(Note: We’ll be using a similar method when we’re discussing how to trade)
On the top left corner of the website, click this square button and select exchange. This is where the magic happens.
We need to go for the BTC/USDT pair. Pair means what currencies you want to buy or sell, and now we want to sell BTC to buy USDT.
Usually, BTC/USDT is the default pair (you can see it on the left side of your screen), but if you don’t see it, you can pick a pair on the right side of your screen. For example, you can just type in BTC in the search button and select the BTC/USDT option.
Once there, scroll down to the section shown below.
The section of interest here is the sell BTC section.
Indicate you’re selling all by increasing the slider to 100%.
Select market (to make the transaction faster)
Now click sell BTC.
That’s it. You have converted all your holding to a form of crypto dollars called USDT (a stable currency)
Now that you have USDT, you can pair it with other currencies to trade, and that’s how to use the signals.
Now let’s do it together using the signal below. But, first, I’ll explain what each means briefly.
First, you should note what kind of trade you’re doing, spot or futures. Here’s a simple difference, and remember, for this guide, we are not concerned with technical gibberish:
An example of spot trading is the transaction we just carried out above. In spot trading, you can only trade using the value of your assets; say, if you have 10 USDT, you can’t trade with more than this. But in futures trading, you can trade with more than you own due to a concept called leverage. More on that soon.
The advantage of trading in spot is it’s safer. In addition, if your signal is wrong, you only lose a portion of your assets calculated based on the current market. The disadvantage is your profit margin isn’t as high as the futures market.
The advantage of the futures market is since you can trade with more than you own, that allows you to make insane profits.
But the disadvantage is if the market goes bad, you might not just lose a portion of your assets; you could lose everything. Although proper portfolio management can help prevent this
You can read more here about the differences between futures and spot trading.
Pair: These are the currencies you are either buying or selling. In this case, you’re buying AR.
Entry range: As you know, prices of currencies are determined by demand and supply, and it’s ever fluctuating. The range of $8-$8.2 means waiting until the AR price gets to $8 before you buy and not buying after it has passed $8.2. You can see the current price on the exchange once you search for AR/USDT, just like we searched for BTC/USDT early in the tutorial.
Targets: These are the price levels you can take your profits. When AR gets to this level, you are in profit, and you are expected to sell AR to convert it back to USDT and claim your profit. You don’t need to monitor the market to check when it gets to this price. You just need to set it up once, and it will be triggered once it reaches all your price targets. I’ll show you how soon.
Stop loss: This is especially important under futures trading because you can lose all your assets without a stop loss. Stop loss means if your signal is wrong and you’re losing, you are instructing the platform to sell your asset at a particular price (in this example – $7.74) to prevent further losses. You should also set stop loss in Spot trading to avoid serious losses, although no matter what, your losses aren’t serious compared to futures trading except in a scenario when the market crashes (meaning there’s a serious decline in prices, for example, if BTC price falls from 22000 USDT to 10000 USDT. This rarely happens though)
Leverage: This only applies to futures trading. This concept allows you to make more money. However, it’s a double-edged sword as it can also make you lose more money if the market goes wrong. So I’ll recommend only using 3X – 5X (3 to 5-time profit/loss) for beginners to be safe. Don’t get greedy.
Long/Short: For the purposes of this review, this only applies to Futures. In futures, you can make a profit whether the market is going up or down. For example, when you’re asked to long BTC (Bitcoin), you’re trading with the expectation that Bitcoin will go up. But when you’re trading short, it means you’re trading with the expectation that Bitcoin is going down. Remember that on spot trading, you’re only trading long.
Now let’s trade
I’ll show you how to use the signal for spot trading and afterward how to use it for futures trading.
Here’s the sample signal again
Pair: #AR/USDT
Risk level: high risk
Direction: long
Location: Binance Spot only call
Enter Now around $9.71
Stop Loss: $9 (~-7%)
Profit Targets/Take Profit (TP):
$10.7 $12.6 – $ 16
For spot trading
Click the box on the left and select ‘Exchange.’ I showed you how to do that earlier.
That takes to the exchange window. The default pair is BTC/USDT, but you can change it on the right where you have searched. This time we are going for the AR/USDT pair, so type in AR in the search panel and select AR/USDT (do the same for any pair you have in your signal)
Next, to take the trade immediately (right now), scroll down and go to the buy section in green (remember, we did the same thing to convert the BTC we received in our wallet to USDT, so it’s the same thing).
It’s on limit. Change it to Market. You can see your available balance in USDT. So under the total, type in the amount of AR you want to buy or use the slider to indicate what percent of your total USDT you want to use in buying AR. For example, if you have 1000 USDT. If you set the slider to 25%, it means you are taking the trade with 250 USDT.
Now click buy AR, and you should receive an equivalent amount of AR immediately.
Next, we need to indicate at what price to sell it back, so we make a profit. That’s what we call take profit (t.p)
Our signals say to take out the first profit when it reaches a price of $10.7, the second profit at $12.6, and the third profit at $16
You can sell all (100%) of your AR when it reaches $10.7 or split it (30+30+40=100). Sell 30% of your AR at $10.7 (the first profit), sell another 30% at $12.6 (second profit level), and the remaining 40% at $16
Here’s the easy way to configure this.
It means we will place 3 limit orders.
This time we are going to the ‘Sell AR’ section
Ensure it’s on limit.
Under price, type in $10.7
And under amount, move the slider to 100%; if you want to sell all your AR at that price, click sell AR. So immediately the price reaches that, it sells your AR and converts it to USDT at a profit.
But if you want to sell only 30%, move the slider to 30% and click sell AR. That’s the first take profit (T.P). Then, go back again, change the price to $12.6, move the slider to 30%, and click sell AR. That’s another take profit that will execute when it reaches that price.
Then, for the last take profit, go back again, set your price to $16, move your slider to 40%, and click sell AR. That’s the final take profit.
You can use the above to trade without a stop loss
Finally, to trade with stop loss
It means that some trades may go bad, and before you lose too much money, you want to set it to sell AR back quickly. Use the method below
In the signal, stop loss is $9. It means if just in case you didn’t make a profit and the price keeps falling, and you’re losing money, you want to close your trade when the price has dropped to $9; that way, you won’t lose too much money. So now let’s configure it.
Where you have ‘limit,’ ‘market,’ and ‘Stop Limit,’ click the arrow close to stop limit and select OCO. OCO means One Cancel the Other. It means you’re telling it to take profit at your take profit 9T.P) price $10.7 (in our signal above) or in the event of a loss to stop loss (S.L) at $9. Only one of this trades can happen either take profit when price goes up or stop loss when price hits your S.L
See below
You can see the details of your transaction at the bottom panel, where you have positions, open orders, order history, trade history, and so on. It looks like this
Now let’s try to place the trade on futures. But, first, don’t forget to read above what I said about trading in the futures section. If you’ve forgotten, please scroll up and read before continuing.
For futures trading
Before you start futures trading, you will need to transfer some funds (USDT)from your spot wallet to futures.
Under wallet at the top of your screen, select Fiat and Spot. Next, click ‘Transfer.’
It should read From ‘Fiat and Spot’ To ‘ USD – M Futures’
Under Coin, choose USDT
And under amount, enter the amount of USDT you want to transfer to your futures wallet. And then confirm.
The amount is transferred instantly.
Next, click the Derivatives section, and select USD-M Futures to take you to the Futures exchange.
Now let’s place the same trade. It’s a lot easier.
The default pair is BTC USDT.
Just place your pointer on the left of your screen to unveil the search panel, type in AR, and select ARUSDT.
The first thing you need to know in futures is if it’s a long or short trade, as explained above. Like our case study signal above is long. How do I know? Remember, for a long, we are trading up (expecting the price to go up), so the take profit price is always higher than the stop loss. While for short, it means we are trading with the expectation that the price is going down. So stop loss is always higher than take profit in short order.
So let’s use the signal above to place a long future trade.
As usual on the right side of your screen, select market. Of course, you can see your available balance in USDT that you just transferred in.
Then use the slider to indicate what percentage of your total balance you want to use for the trade. Again, I recommend not going above 2% (Don’t be greedy).
Above, you can also see Cross and 20X. Select 20X and change it to anywhere between 3X to 5X. Remember what I wrote about leverage? It can help multiply your profits, but in the event of a loss, it also can multiply your loss, so don’t get greedy and choose 20X (although I’d admit I sometimes get greedy if I really need money…lol but it has to be a signal I’m completely sure of).
Anyway, moving on, let’s trade.
Under Take Profit, enter your first take profit amount in the signal – $10.7, and in stop loss, enter your stop loss given in our sample signal, which is $9. Then click buy/long, and the order is placed immediately. You can immediately start to see in real-time how the trade is going (profit or loss) in the position section at the bottom. You can close the trade and get the profit you’ve already made at any point, even if the price hasn’t hit stop loss yet. But better not to watch it, so you don’t raise your blood pressure (personally, sometimes I can’t resist but look and even close some trades I feel won’t do well in the long run). Once you’ve set it, you can just leave it, and the system will take profit for you or execute stop loss if you’re losing.
So how do you set the second take profit and the third?
Just go to the position, put your direction on the section below, click it, then put in the second take profit ($12.6) using the same stop loss, and execute. Then, click it again, enter the third take profit price ($16) using the same stop loss, and execute.
That’s for a long futures trade.
The short is slightly different
And I’ll need to change the signal example a bit since a short signal looks different (stop loss is higher than take profits).
It will look something like this
Stop Loss: $16 (~-7%)
Profit Targets/Take Profit (TP):
$9.4, $9.0, $8.6
So to execute it’s the same as what I did in the long. Just enter the take profit and stop loss in the short signal (you can see stop loss is higher than take profit. That’s how you know it’s a short signal and you’re trading, expecting the price to go down).
For a short signal, you execute it by pressing the sell/short button and not the buy/long button.
That’s all. Mission accomplished
You’re now a trader.
One more thing
One more subject I need to touch on is the limit order. I explained it a bit earlier. But, again, remember to place a trade, we used a market order earlier, which means the trade will be executed immediately at the current market price.
Some signals are limit orders meaning the trade isn’t to be executed until the market is at a particular entry price. For example, you could see a signal like:
Limit Order only
Entry: $9.5
Stop Loss: $9 (~-7%)
Profit Targets/Take Profit (TP):
$10.7 $12.6 – $ 16
The above means maybe the current market price is at $9.2. The signal is telling you not to enter until it’s $9.5 so what you do is enter a limit order. Use limit instead of market; the only difference is that a limit order will allow you to enter an entry price; in this case, as shown in the signal above is $9.5. That’s all. Every other step is the same as the market orders we placed earlier.
And that’s how we’ve come to the end of this tutorial.
The key to becoming great at this is practice, practice, and practice, and I’m always in the group to guide you if you have any questions.
Here’s the link to the group again- here
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